Japanese Second Language



VCE Japanese Second Language focuses on student participation in interpersonal communication, interpreting the language of other speakers, and presenting information and ideas in Japanese on a range of themes and topics.
Students develop and extend skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing in Japanese in a range of contexts and develop cultural understanding in interpreting and creating language.

This study enables students to:
• communicate with others in Japanese in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational contexts
• understand the relationship between language and culture
• compare cultures and languages and enhance intercultural awareness
• understand and appreciate the cultural contexts in which Japanese is spoken
• learn about language as a system and themselves as language learners
• make connections between different languages, knowledge and ways of thinking
• become part of multilingual communities by applying language learning to social and leisure activities, life-long
learning and the world of work.

Assessment activities

• Participation in conversations, interviews or role-plays
• Oral presentations to the class
• Written descriptive summaries or responses
• Listening comprehension activities
• Reading articles and listening to announcements to write instructions
• Creating written presentations
• Writing imaginative children’s stories, personal emails, informative blogs, editorials
• Writing reflect articles on cultural insights
• Evaluate opposing arguments put forward on issues
• Narrating stories or events
• Presenting and explaining aspects of culture


Selection advice

The study of Japanese contributes to student personal development in a range of areas including communication skills, intercultural understanding, cognitive development, literacy and general knowledge. Learning and using an additional language encourages students to examine the influences on their perspectives and society, and to consider issues important for effective personal, social and international communication. It enables students to examine the nature of language, including their own, and the role of culture in language, communication and identity. Students need to have completed Year 10 Japanese to enrol in this study.

Links to further pathways

The study of Japanese provides students with a direct means of access to the rich traditional and popular cultures of Japan. Japan and the Japanese-speaking communities have an increasing influence in Victoria through innovations in science, technology, design, retail, fashion, cuisine, sport and the arts. A knowledge of Japanese, in conjunction with other skills, can provide employment opportunities in areas such as tourism, hospitality, the arts, diplomacy, social services, journalism, commerce, fashion, education, translating and interpreting.