Chinese First Language


Unit 3 & 4

学习VCE中文第一语言的同学们需要完成第3 和第4单元的基础内容,其   中包括听力,阅读,写作和口语重点研究。
▶ 了解想象文和评估文的结构模式,并且能够完成一篇完整的想象文
▶ 根据听力材料所反映的是有关中国的民俗文化知识来回答问题。
▶ 通过分析文学艺术作品来阐述你的观点
▶ 能够用演讲的形式来完成一个面对面的访谈

VCE Chinese First Language is designed for students who will typically have spent some time as a resident of China and/or have had significant experience of studying Chinese in a country in which Chinese is a major language of communication.

The language to be studied is the modern standard/official version of Chinese. For the purpose of this study design, Modern Standard Chinese is taken to be ‘Putonghua’ in the spoken form and simplified character text in the written form. This does not, however, preclude the use of written texts in full-form or complex (traditional) characters. Students may choose to use either simplified or complex characters in their writing.

This study enables students to:

  • communicate with others in Chinese in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational contexts
  • understand the relationship between language and culture
  • compare cultures and languages, and enhance intercultural awareness
  • understand the cultural contexts in which Chinese is spoken and appreciate their own and others’ cultures
  • learn about language as a system and themselves as language learners
  • make connections between different languages, knowledge and ways of thinking
  • become part of multilingual communities by applying language learning to social and leisure activities, life-long learning and the world of work.

Assessment activities

▶ 想象文写作:规定时间内完成一篇500-600字的想象文
▶ 听力:根据听力材料回答相关问题
▶ 演讲:完成一个4-5分钟的演讲。
▶ 阅读理解:根据所给材料内容完成一篇说服文
▶ 说服文写作:完成一篇500-600字的说服文
▶ 面对面访谈:根据之前所写的说服文,完成一场4-5分钟的面对面

  • discussions between the teacher and student
  • letters or emails
  • role plays
  • responses to spoken and viewed texts
  • journal entries
  • spoken personal accounts
  • short stories
  • personal blogs
  • articles
  • exams.

Selection advice

选择建议 该课程只面对中文是第一语言的同学们。 The study of Chinese develops students’ abilities to understand and use the language of a country that is Australia’s most important trading partner. There are Chinese-speaking communities in Australia and around the world and there are strong links between Australia and China in areas such as business, tourism and education. The study of Chinese promotes the strengthening of these links. Students may undertake this study in Years 11 or 12.

Links to further pathways

未来发展方向 通过学习这个科目可以帮助同学们在大学中更好的学习相关课程。与此 同时,熟练的掌握中文也可以有助于同学们拓展将来的职业规划,例如: – 各国网易往来 – 翻译(笔译及口译) – 教师 – 旅游业相关工作 – •商业活动 Students may wish to study Chinese as an academic subject for educational purposes, to further develop their knowledge and use of a language already important to them or to link this study to other areas of interest such as tourism, technology, the arts, education, finance and business.