Textile Art


Year 9

Hand and machine sewing crafts

In this unit students will develop basic hand and machine sewing skills that enable them to:
▶ Create a fabric sample that demonstrates six basic stitches
▶ Use a simple pattern to create a free-motion appliqué coaster
▶ Create a textile picture of their own choice.

Students will:
▶ Complete a fabric sample
▶ Create a poster, booklet or PowerPoint presentation that investigates woven and knitted fabrics and provide weaving samples
▶ Document their coaster production steps
▶ Research and record their textile picture design options
▶ Create their coaster and textile picture
▶ Evaluate their production process.

Selection advice

This unit would suit students who enjoy the creative process and in particular like working with textiles. All tasks set in this unit of study encourage the self-expression of students who are genuinely interested in developing their knowledge and skills in the area of textile art.

Links to further pathways

This unit leads into Year 10 From Shabby to Chic (recycled fashion).