VCE Program Overview

The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is the certificate that Victorian students receive on satisfactory completion of their secondary education. The VCE provides diverse pathways to further study or training at university or TAFE and to employment.

The VCE is made up of a range of units or studies. A study is a subject, for example, English or Biology.  It is made up of four units (Units 1, 2, 3 and 4) each of which is a semester in length.

For most students, VCE is completed over two years. Students typically study Units 1 and 2 in their first year, and Units 3 and 4 in their second year.  A unit usually lasts for one semester (half a year). Units 1 and 2 are usually undertaken in Year 11 and can be completed as single units. Units 3 and 4 are normally attempted in Year 12 and must be undertaken as a two-semester sequence.

Students usually study from 20 to 24 units (five or six studies) in Years 11 and 12.

You can take longer than two years to finish VCE if you need to.  Some students start VCE in Year 10 and some study Units 3 and 4 in Year 11 .  Students entering Year 11 who have not completed Units 1 and 2 and wish to undertake a Units 3 and 4 sequence must complete an Fast-track application form available from the Senior School Assistant Principal. List of VCE studies that can be fast-tracked.  

The College provides students and families with extensive assistance with course selection. This is to ensure that the VCE pathway developed for each student is the most appropriate program for them. The Year 11 and 12 Year Level Coordinators, the Senior School Leading Teacher and the Careers Coordinator are always available for extra advice.

You have a variety of study options in VCE through which you can pursue your interests and build your skills, across the humanities, sciences, mathematics, technology, arts and languages, as well as vocational studies.  

At Mount Clear College you may choose to undertake a traditional academic VCE pathway, or a vocational VCE pathway, known as the VCE-Vocational Major.  

These may also include VET (Vocational Education and Training) subjects, or studies with the Virtual School Victoria or the Victorian School of Languages

The VCE Vocational Major (VM) is a new vocational and applied learning program within the VCE.

The VCE Vocational Major will prepare you to move successfully into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university through alternative entry programs or directly into the workforce.

To achieve your VCE you must successfully complete 16 units including: three units of English study selected from the following units. They must include at least English or Foundation Units 1 or 2 and at least one Units 3 and 4 sequence:

▶ English Units 1 through to 4
▶ Foundation English Units 1 and 2
▶ Literature Units 1 through to 4
▶ A minimum of four Units 3 and 4 sequences (including your English units)

Units 1 and 2 are marked by the school; your teachers will set a range of assessments to see how you are progressing. The assessments have deadlines and you will need to plan and submit your work on time. Deadlines can only be extended in special circumstances.

  • For Units 1 and 2 you will receive either S (Satisfactory), or N (Non-Satisfactory). Your school may give you a grade for each unit, but only the S counts towards your VCE.
  • For Units 3 and 4 you will have scores calculated by percentage, or NA (Not Assessed) for your assessment tasks, as well as an S or N.

There are three graded assessments for each VCE study at Unit 3 and 4 level. All VCE VET programs with scored assessment have two graded assessments.

Depending on the study, these may be School-based Assessments and/or external assessments.

External assessments 

External assessments are set and marked by the VCAA. They are the same for all students taking the same VCE study. Usually this will be an examination – whether written, oral, performance or in an electronic format.

Your external assessments are marked by assessors who are experts in their area of study. All VCE studies are marked to the same standard and there are multiple checks to make sure that marking is fair.

Exams are held each year in October and November. You will receive plenty of notice about the exact dates of your exams from your school.

School-based assessments

School-based assessments are set by your teacher and include School-assessed Coursework (SAC) that is completed at school, and School-assessed Tasks (SAT) that are completed at school and home. These are marked at your school. The VCAA checks the marks to make sure that all schools in Victoria are marking to the same standard. You can read about the rules for marking/assessment on the VCAA website, or you can ask your teachers.

If you obtain at least two graded assessments and achieve an S for both Units 3 and 4 in a study in the same year, you will receive a study score. A study score is a number between 0 and 50 that indicates your ranking in terms of all students doing that study in that year.


Tertiary institutions look at the ATAR and the combinations of VCE studies students have completed before offering places.

The ATAR is calculated by the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) on the basis of study scores and is presented as a ranking between 0.00 and 99.95.

If you want to obtain an ATAR, you need to have at least four study scores, one of which must be from the English group.

You can find out more information about the ATAR, subject combinations and course choices through VTAC.

Each VCE Vocational Major unit of study has specified learning outcomes. Your teacher will supervise and mark your assessments and will let you know that you’ve passed the specified learning outcomes through a range of learning activities and tasks.

Unlike other VCE subjects, there are no external assessments, apart from the General Achievement Test. This means you don’t have study scores and you will not get an ATAR.

The GAT is a General Achievement Test that measures a student’s general knowledge and skills in written communication, mathematics, science, technology, humanities, the arts and social sciences. It also measures a student’s literacy and numeracy skills against a new standard, introduced in 2022. The new standard will indicate whether students have demonstrated the literacy and numeracy skills typically expected of someone completing their secondary schooling – giving another indication of their readiness to move onto further education, training or employment. While the GAT is important, it does not directly count towards a student’s final VCE results. GAT results are used to check that VCE external assessments and school-based assessments have been accurately and fairly assessed. GAT results may also play a part in determining the final score for a VCE external assessment if a student has a derived examination score [link] approved for that assessment. All students studying at least one Unit 3 and 4 VCE subject (including a VCE-VM Unit 3 and 4 subject) or a scored VCE VET subject are expected to sit all or a section of the General Achievement Test (GAT). No special study is required. Past study of subjects like English, Mathematics, Science and History prepares students for the GAT by building their general knowledge and skills in writing, numeracy, and reasoning.


Applied Computing

Visual Arts

Art Making & Exhibiting




Business Management


Cert II Building and Construction (Partial)


Cert II in Hospitality


Cert III in Music Industry (Performance)




Chinese First Language

Performing Arts





Environmental Science


Food Studies


Foundation English


Foundation Mathematics


General Mathematics


Health & Human Development




Japanese Second Language


Legal Studies




Mathematical Methods

Visual Arts


Performing Arts



Outdoor & Environmental Studies


Physical Education




Product Design and Technologies (Wood focus)




Specialist Mathematics


Systems Engineering

Visual Arts

Visual Communication Design


VM Literacy


VM Numeracy


VM Personal Development Skills (PDS)


VM Work Related Skills (WRS)


English/EAL Units 1 – 2 or Foundation English Units 1 – 2 are compulsory studies for students enrolled in the academic VCE pathway.

Careers Support

Our careers support is delivered by qualified Careers Practitioners and provides an accessible resource at Mount Clear College for our students and their families.

Mount Clear College prepares students for a wide range of career opportunities, including pathways into universities, TAFE, apprenticeships, and employment. Students can access personalized help from subject selection to pathway options and explore a diverse range of possibilities. Our careers department stays up to date with everything from scholarship opportunities to Early Entry Programs, prerequisites for courses, and employment opportunities, including apprenticeships. We have developed close relationships with key networks and stakeholders, giving us a strong understanding of the expectations of industry.

As active members of the Ballarat Careers Education Network, we stay up to date with the latest information. Our students and families have easy access to our extensive resources, available on our College Careers website or via the Mount Clear College Careers Facebook and Instagram pages.

Students undertake learning tasks to explore their skills, strengths, and attributes and how these contribute to the world of work.

All students participate in career planning as part of the Year 9 program, covering everything from offering students the opportunity to complete a Morrisby Profile, resumes and job applications, to mock job interviews with local stakeholders and industry guest speakers from business and tertiary sectors.

Students receive one-on-one subject selection interviews, course and pathway guidance. Information sessions and the Work Experience Program in Term 3 offer students the opportunity to further investigate future pathways.

Students receive one-on-one subject selection interviews, opportunities to participate in guest presentations with further education institutions, and job seeking. Students and families can schedule a one-on-one interview to discuss pathways, including completing a Career Action Plan.

Every Year 12 student has at least one appointment with one of our qualified Careers Practitioners to develop their future pathway goals and aspirations. Students are supported with the completion of further education requirements, including VTAC and Special Access Schemes applications. Assistance with job-seeking opportunities and the application processes is available.

VCE-Vocational Major (VCE-VM)

The VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM) is a pathway within the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) aimed at students in Years 11 and 12 who are interested in taking up a traineeship, apprenticeship, TAFE studies, or employment after completing Year 12.

The VCE-VM is based on principles of applied learning that seek to relate student learning to real life experiences, including workplace, vocational study, and community settings. Students are taught skills and knowledge in the context of real-life situations, and apply what they have learnt by doing, experiencing, reflecting, and relating their acquired skills to the real world.

VCE-VM students undertake 20 units over a two-year period and will typically undertake 4 units each of the following five subjects:

  • Literacy or VCE Foundation English
  • Numeracy or VCE Foundation Mathematics (some students may undertake VCE General Mathematics)
  • Work Related Skills (WRS)
  • Personal Development Skills (PDS)
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) to a minimum of 180 hours. Students can select from the VET modules and certificates offered at Mount Clear College or outside Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). 
  • Structured workplace learning (SWL) one day per week in an industry aligned with the VET study.

A unit usually lasts for one semester (half a year). Units 1 and 2 are typically undertaken in Year 11 and can be completed as single units. Units 3 and 4 are normally attempted in Year 12 and must be undertaken as a two-semester sequence.

To be awarded a certificate, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units, including:

  • 3 Literacy or VCE Foundation English units (that includes a 3-4 sequence)
  • 2 Numeracy or VCE Foundation Mathematics units
  • 2 Work Related Skills units
  • 2 Personal Development Skills units
  • 2 VET units

Students must complete a minimum of four Unit 3-4 sequences and can include VCE units in their learning program which may count towards the calculation of an ATAR.

The VCE-VM curriculum is competency based and there are no written tests or exams. However, VCE-VM students are required to sit the Literacy and Numeracy section of the General Achievement Test (GAT) during their Year 12 studies and their score will appear on their Statement of Results.

Students seeking to enter the VCE-VM are required to have achieved 65%+ VCE approved attendance at Year 10 (as evidenced on Compass) and have completed a minimum of five days work experience. They also need to have passed a minimum of eight Year 10 units, including one English unit and one Maths unit. Students who do not meet these prerequisites may be required to enrol in the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) until they have demonstrated the capacity to cope with the demands of the VCE-VM.

Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)

The Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is a foundation-level course offered to students in Years 11 and 12. Unlike the VCE and VCE-VM, the VPC is not an accredited senior-level certificate. It is designed to provide a pathway to entry-level VET and employment for students with additional learning needs and/or those who have missed significant periods of schooling and are at risk of disengaging from education. It is not intended for students seeking direct entry to university courses or many professional occupations.

The VPC is based on principles of applied learning, relating student learning to real-life experiences, including workplace, vocational study, and community settings. Students are taught skills and knowledge in the context of real-life situations and are required to apply what they have learned through practical experience, reflection, and real-world application.

  • Flexibility: The VPC program is highly flexible, allowing students to enter and exit at times that suit their learning needs.
  • Units: Students are expected to complete a minimum of 12 units over two years, with most students undertaking 16 to 20 units. Each unit usually lasts for one semester.
  • Subjects: Students typically undertake 4 units each of the following four subjects:
    • Literacy
    • Numeracy
    • Work Related Skills (WRS)
    • Personal Development Skills (PDS)
  • Additional Units: Students may include VCE or VET units as part of their program but are not required to do so.

To be awarded a VPC certificate, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 12 units, including:

  • 2 Literacy units
  • 2 Numeracy units
  • 2 Work Related Skills units
  • 2 Personal Development Skills units

Students generally complete these units over 3-5 contact days per week and may negotiate access to regular industry-based work experience.

Students making satisfactory progress may apply to transfer into the VCE or VCE-VM, though completed VPC units cannot be credited towards a VCE or VCE-VM certificate.

The VPC curriculum is competency-based with no written tests or exams.

Students seeking admission to the VPC must demonstrate:

  • Additional learning needs
  • Significant periods of missed schooling
  • Risk of disengaging from education

Alternatively, students who have not passed eight Year 10 units (including one English and one Maths unit) or do not have a VCE attendance of 65% are recommended by Mount Clear College to complete the Victorian Pathways Certificate.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

VET in VCE allows students to include vocational studies within their senior secondary certificate. Students undertake nationally recognised training that contributes to their VCE. VET may contribute to VCE at the Units 1 and 2 or Units 3 and 4 level, and may also contribute to the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). VET contributes to VCE – Vocational Major through satisfying the requirements of the Industry Specific Skills or Work Related Skills strands. 180 hours of VET is a compulsory component of VCE – Vocational Major.

Mount Clear College is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). RTOs are registered to deliver quality-assured and nationally recognised training and qualifications. Mount Clear College (No. 21741) is registered under the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority.

The RTO is responsible for ensuring students are enrolled in an accredited State or nationally recognised VET course. Most courses are based on Training Packages that are nationally agreed units of competency and qualifications. Students deemed competent in all units of a training qualification will receive a nationally recognised certificate. Students deemed competent in some units will receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment.

Students will be notified of any training provided by a Third Party.

As Highlands LLEN Cluster programs may clash with regular VCE and VCE-VM classes, students are required to catch up any missed work. Work placement and additional classes are a compulsory component of some VET programs and may need to be undertaken during school holidays.

Government schools no longer request payments from parents for essential learning materials for Vocational Education and Training (VET) studies. These fees are now paid by the Department of Education. This does not include any excursions associated with VET studies.

Given sufficient enrolment, the following programs may be offered internally at Mount Clear College. Students need to complete the Subject Selection Form to apply for:

Building and Construction
Music Industry (Performance)

Given sufficient enrolment, the following are an indication of programs that may be offered at various Ballarat locations as part of the Ballarat cluster of secondary schools. Students need to apply online and attend an interview for:

Program Category
Certificate II in Animal Care
Certificate II in Racing ‘Horse Industry Taster’
Certificate III in Equine
Certificate II in Building and Construction (Carpentry Stream)
Certificate II in Engineering Studies
Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship)
Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) Year 11 Only
Certificate III Carpentry/Bricklaying/Block laying ‘Tradie Taster’
Certificate II in Workplace Skills (Recreational Assistant)
Certificate II in Workplace Skills (Generalist – Term 2 start)
Cars, Trains and Trams
Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
Certificate II in Heavy and Light Rail Fundamentals
Certificate III in Community Services
Certificate II in Active Volunteering (Events Focus)
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Certificate III in Information Technology
Certificate III in Screen and Media
Creative – Music/Dance/Fashion/Screen & Media
Certificate II in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles
Certificate II Creative Industries
Certificate II in Dance (Full) and Partial Certificate III
Certificate III in Music – Sound Production
Certificate III Music (Performance)
Hair and Beauty
Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Certificate II Hair and Beauty ‘Beauty Taster’
Certificate II in Health Support Services
Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
Certificate II in Cookery
Certificate II in Hospitality
Certificate II in Hospitality & Certificate II in Cookery ‘Hospo Taster’
Certificate II in Cookery ‘Bakery Taster’
Land – Agriculture/Horticulture/Energy
Certificate II in Agriculture
Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management/Horticulture ‘Eco Taster’
Renewable Energy ‘Energy Taster’ Year 12 Only

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CHES is a ground-breaking centre of excellence that has been established to cultivate the potential of High-Ability and high-achieving senior secondary school students. It is a direct response to the Victorian Government’s intention that all students, regardless of their starting point, are supported to realise their full potential.

Mount Clear College students can access a range of Higher Education Studies (HES) as part of their VCE program. There are two pathways available to students: Higher Education Studies (First Year University subject) and Higher Education Studies (VCE subjects).

Higher Education Studies (HES) - VCE Subjects

CHES offers select VCE subjects to government school students across Victoria, including students in metropolitan, rural, regional, and remote areas and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Through an innovative ‘hyflex’ approach to teaching and learning, students remain enrolled at their chosen government secondary school and undertake a VCE study through CHES, as a part of their overall VCE program. To accommodate as many eligible students as possible, these programs are available through a hybrid and flexible approach, with opportunities to study online, on-site at CHES or a combination of the two.

  • VCE Algorithmics (Units 3 & 4)
  • VCE Extended Investigation (Units 3 & 4)
  • VCE English Language (Units 1 – 4)
  • VCE Specialist Maths (Units 1 – 4)

For further information about the subjects can be found in the CHES VCE subject handbook and website:

Applications close for 2025 HES programs Friday 30 August 2024 11.59pm (late applications may be accepted on a case-by-case basis).

Higher Education Studies (HES) - First Year University subjects

Higher Education Studies (HES) are first-year university subjects that are taken as part of a student’s VCE program. They constitute about 20% of a full-time first-year university course and are an advance on a VCE Unit 3 and 4 subject, or provide the opportunity to explore new areas of interest. Each HES is equivalent in duration and workload to a VCE Unit 3 and 4 sequence. The HES outlined below are offered through CHES and delivered by our university partners. Only one HES can contribute towards satisfactory completion for the award of the VCE.

Through CHES, students can apply to study a HES as part of their VCE program. Students accepted into a HES enjoy a wide range of benefits, including academic challenge from an extension subject and a contribution towards the calculation of the ATAR. Students who successfully complete a HES will have the title of the study, the year of enrolment, and the university name reported on their VCE Statement of Results.

HES can only be used as a fifth or sixth subject in the calculation of the ATAR. Depending on a student’s results, completion of the HES can contribute 3 to 5 points to the ATAR aggregate. The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) provides an ATAR increment for a HES as a fifth or sixth subject, provided that the student has:

  • Satisfactorily completed four VCE Unit 3 and 4 sequences for which study scores have been calculated, including one from the English group
  • Satisfactorily completed at least one VCE Unit 3 and 4 sequence in the same year as the HES
  • Satisfactorily completed the full year of the HES
  • Been awarded a pass result by the university

The table below outlines the points students will receive, and the equivalent VCE study score value, for completion of a HES (accurate at time of publication). For more detailed information about how the VTAC calculates the ATAR contribution, visit

Students who successfully complete the HES may be considered for a credit towards an undergraduate course at the university where the study was satisfactorily completed if the subjects can be taken as part of that course.

Where students apply to study an unrelated undergraduate course at the university that delivered the HES, or apply to study at another university, students may also be considered to receive credits, at the discretion of the university.

Aboriginal Studies and AnthropologyLa Trobe University
AccountingLa Trobe University
Biological SciencesFederation University
Climate ChangeMonash University
Construction ManagementDeakin University
Disability, Diversity and InclusionDeakin University
Educating for the FutureVictoria University
Health ScienceLa Trobe University
HistoryMonash University
Human BiosciencesLa Trobe University
Information TechnologyFederation University
Introduction to PsychologyFederation University
LawLa Trobe University
Maths and AnalysisFederation University
MathematicsUniversity of Melbourne
PhysicsUniversity of Melbourne
Politics, Philosophy and EconomicsLa Trobe University
PsychologyUniversity of Melbourne
Psychological ScienceDeakin University
Public RelationsDeakin University
Space IndustrySwinburne University
Sport ManagementDeakin University
Sustainable Development and Innovation EcosystemsRMIT University

Applications close for 2025 HES programs Friday, 30 August 2024

School Based Apprenticeships

School Based Apprenticeships (SBAs) have been an option for Mount Clear College students for over five years. It is a fulltime program that integrates education, training and employment and is an opportunity for students to study at school whilst at the same time undertaking government approved and accredited training qualifications as a paid employee. The student enrols in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or the Victorian Certificate in Applied Learning (VCE-VM), undertakes paid employment and completes on-and/or off-the-job training.

SBAs are suited to students who:

  • are thinking of obtaining an apprenticeship or traineeship upon completion of secondary school;
  • would like to gain an industry qualification as well as their VCE;
  • want to keep their options open – broadens pathway choices after completing Year 12;
  • want to combine paid work, learning and training in a specific industry (Vocational Education & Training Certificate Program) at the same time;
  • want the opportunity to gain two separate nationally recognised certificates at the same time: their industry certificate and VCE.

There are a number of options for the student:

  • working or completing training two days per week and attending school three days per week;
  • working one day per week, one day each weekend and attending school four days per week;
  • completing over two years with an average of 15 hours work and training per week (this is averaged over the term including weekends, school holidays and after school).

Steps involved in the program are:

  1. the student gains employment as an apprentice or trainee in their chosen industry;
  2. employment and training contracts are signed and registered with an Australian Apprenticeship Centre;
  3. a Training Plan is developed for the student which incorporates industry training, school and work commitments;
  4. the program and results of the student’s industry training are entered on the VCAA database;
  5. the units of competence completed during training are credited to the student’s VCE Certificate.


Subject Prerequisites

Prerequisites for Units 1 and 2

Unit 1 and 2 Subject  Prerequisite  
Japanese Second Language

Year 10 Japanese

Maths MethodsAnalytical Maths
Specialist MathsAnalytical Maths
VCE-VMAt least five days work experience

Prerequisites for Units 3 and 4

Units 3 and 4 Subjects



Chemistry Unit 2

General Maths

General Maths 1&2/ Maths Methods 1&2

Japanese Second Language

Japanese Second Language 1&2


Literature Unit 2

Maths Methods

Maths Methods 1&2

Music Contemporary Performance

Music 1&2


Physics 1&2

Specialist Maths

Specialist Maths 1&2